Dika Putra
Recent Portfolio
Explore my latest projects, creative works, and accomplishments.
Inviday.id is a digital invitation platform that allows users to create their own invitations with more interesting features, supported by a simple and elegant design.As the founder of Inviday.id, I gained extensive experience in building a complete application from the ground up. I was deeply involved in every aspect, from designing all company elements, including the logo, to developing the ready-to-use application. Developing backend APIs using Laravel.Learning how to develop GraphQL APIs in Laravel.Developing a frontend application using Nuxt 3.Working with Amazon Web Services (S3, WorkMail, IAM, etc.).Working with Google Search Console to measure the app's search traffic and performance.Deploying applications using a Virtual Private Server.Implementing CI/CD using GitHub Actions and SSH.Working with SendGrid for Email API.Developing payment schemes using Midtrans and Pusher.
2022 - 2024
Igloocompany is a smart access company that makes smart locks and lock boxes, in July 2015. Since then, the company has grown to include an enterprise-focused vertical, iglooworks, which focuses on large-scale access management.Built and maintained several of Igloo's projects, working on over 5 projects that use various tech stacks including Angular.js, Firebase, Amazon Web Services, React.js, and GraphQL. Here are the projects I have worked on:IglooworksIglooaccessIglooserv + INB1 DashboardIgloodeveloperAvantio PortalIglooconnectIglooconnect Partner Portal
2022 - 2024
On-Journey is a technology startup in the tourism industry, aiming to make it easier for travelers to order travel agent services and to strengthen the tourism ecosystem. The company helps empower and enhance the capabilities of conventional travel agents to compete digitally and brings lesser-known tourist destinations to life.Develop web applications for On-Journey partners and customers, as well as create engaging landing pages with a focus on SEO.Developed the landing and partner app using Nuxt.js.Developed the client app using Vue.js 3.Built dynamic, interactive, and user-friendly interfaces.Implemented real-time chat functionality for both the client and partner apps using Firebase.Integrated SEO meta tags for marketing and client sites.Enabled Google login and One Tap Google for seamless user access to the application.
2021 - 2023
Wedoo Workshop Bali
Wedoo is a Bali-based circular economy engineering consultant. Wedoo creates custom waste processing machines for organic waste, plastic, and glass to enable our clients to process their waste locally.During my internship, I built web applications using Laravel, Livewire, jQuery, and TailwindCSS. The application aims to connect companies with their customers by displaying product catalogs and allowing customers to directly contact the company based on the product catalog.After the internship, my colleagues and I developed this project into my final project by adding analytical features, payment schemes, and a user-based system.Here are a few things I've been working on:Developing backend with Laravel.Build a dynamic, interactive, and user-friendly interface.Create landing and blog pages with a CMS.Set up SEO for some of the pages.
Favorite Color
Magic Cursor
Smooth Scroller